2021 was a pretty weird time to be screening movies for large groups of people because of the pandemic. We starting doing shows in all kinds of fun places outdoors, but were not putting out our traditional printed film booklet. Here’s a list of the screenings that took place during that period, along with some handmade flyers we made for them.
July 7th, 2021: The Best of “Project Yourself!“ (Comfort Station, Logan Square)

TV Spots – (Don’t be Afraid of the Dark, Murder on the 13th Floor, Manhunter, Mommie Dearest, Escape from Alcatraz, Dawn of the Dead, John and Mary, The Sterile Cuckoo, Death Ship, Queen of the Stardust Ballroom)
“The Growing of a Young Filmmaker” (Produced by the Young Filmmakers Foundation with funding from Eastman Kodak, 1969 – Directed by Raymond Esquilin, Edited by Jaime Barrios)
“World of Pets: Cats” (National Geographic Society, 1985 – Directed by Alan Degen)
“Weasel Stop” (Robert McKimson, 1956)
Pillsbury TV spot (1969 ?)
(All 16mm from Chicago Film Society’s Collections)
Star Trek bloopers (no date, probably ’66 or ’67)
“Project Health” (IBT Medical, Illinois Bell Telephone) (no date)
“The Nose” (Alexander Alexeieff and Claire Parker, 1963)
“The Impact of Television” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1980)
“What Should Barbers Talk About” outtakes (CBS, 1955)
Charlie Pride “I Ain’t All Bad” (1975)
(All 16mm from Chicago Film Society’s Collections)
July 30th & 31st, 2021: Jit (Michael Raeburn, 1990) 16mm from CFS collections (Analog Rooftop CInema, 2124 West Lawrence)

Friday, August 27 & Saturday August 28 @ 9:00 PM at Analog Rooftop Cinema
Directed by Ed Wood • 1953
Ed Wood’s feature debut remains a beguiling, transgressive ode to gender nonconformity, an avant-garde essay film avant la lettre that cobbles together a sincere case for cross-dressing from purloined stock footage, dramatic recreations of case files, and seemingly improvised monologues from Bela Lugosi as an otherworldly interlocutor. The most personal film from Wood’s much-maligned career, Glen or Glenda makes its plea for difference with the simplicity and directness of a koan: “We were not born with wheels, but in the modern world of today it is an accepted fact that we must have them. So we have corrected that which nature has not given us.” (KW)
65 min • Screen Classics • 16mm from Chicago Film Society Collections
Preceded by: Thelma Todd and Patsy Kelly in “Opened by Mistake” (James Parrott, 1934) 16mm, 19 min